Primary type family

Source Sans is LinkedIn’s primary type family and should be used whenever possible to communicate key brand messages in headlines and display copy. It’s available in multiple weights, complete with italics, but please narrow your use to “Light” through “Semi-bold” in most instances. Source Sans is accompanied by Source Serif (for use as a “reader” font in blogs and long form text) and Source Code (for use when a monospace, fixed width font is needed). Download the Source Font Family

  • Source Sans, LinkedIn's primary font

Source Sans must be used for headline, display and body copy in all offline marketing materials, and select digital materials where the fonts can be embedded or served online. Example usage can be found below.

Secondary type families

Arial is an alternate typeface when Source Sans is not available or embeddable, such as when distributing PowerPoint, Keynote or Word templates. Georgia Italic is our ‘voice’ font, and is used exclusively for customer testimonials and member quotes (Note: Source Serif does not currently feature an italic variant. In cases where an Italic Serif is desired, Georgia Italic is a suitable replacement).

  • LinkedIn secondary fonts

Typography examples

Below is a guide to some basic typography used in offline, online, and print communications. Always refer to approved templates and specifications for full guidance.

  • Typography example

Above is an example of basic headline, body copy, and bullet usage.

  • LinkedIn typography example

Above is an example of a client or customer testimonial.

Best practices

Want to be a LinkedIn typography master? Follow these guidelines.

Do: Use only the approved font families

We've chosen our typefaces carefully. They offer quite a bit of flexibility, so stick with them and they will treat you right.

  • Use only the approved fonts

Do: Let it breathe

Use ample line height and paragraph spacing for easily scannable copy.

  • Provide ample typographic spacing

Don't: Track to extremes

A small adjustment to help balance space is great. Stretching that headline across the page is not.

  • Too much space between letters isn't a good thing